In Response To Comments On My Last Post:
Thanks Kathy, Lorraine, and Laughingwolf for your comments. This morning, I've been reflecting particularly on what Laughingwolf wrote:
while i was living in vancouver, bc, a local 'artist' told the 'news media' in a week's time he would 'crush a mouse on a canvas with a cinder block, live, for all to see', then mount the canvas as a 'work of art'
the 'animal rights' groups all threatened to KILL HIM, once they found out where he lived
neither event took place, as he fled the area
from wherever he went, he said he was seeking publicity and would not have hurt the mouse... the 'rights' groups response: if they found him, they'd kill him, anyway
makes one wonder....
I began to wonder and as I did, one question led to the next:
!. Under what circumstances, if any, is it appropriate to kill another human being?
2. What is the responsibility of an ethical person when evil is done or contemplated?
3. What is beyond the limits of acceptability in man's use of animals?
As I'm writing this, I'm thinking that everything is related and everything is complex. Some of my beliefs, when carried forward, lead to absurd conclusions and ideals which contradict one another. Often practicality puts restraints on what I would consider ethical duties. Perhaps, as I have a tendency to do sometimes, I'm making things more complex than they need to be.
Weighty Issues:
My official WW weight last night reflected a gain of .8 lbs. since my last weigh-in of two week ago. In fact, I know that I "lost," then regained, an additional 4 pounds. I'm expecting more consistent self discipline from myself this week.
One of the things that I've been noticing is that so many of the people I meet are anxious to lose their weight quickly. At one level, my gut response is "What's the rush?" I don't feel the need to hurry the process. I think that's because I don't expect my life to change in any significant way once I'm back to my goal weight. This wasn't always true for me. I like it better this way.
The Optimist, Pessimist, and Rationalist:
The optimist says , "The glass is half full."
The pessimist says, "The glass is half empty."
The rationalist says, "The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
From Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . . Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
by Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein
I never cease to be amazed:
by the new stuff that technology makes possible. Right now I'm totally begoggled by the new Blogger add-on, the one that updates the latest posts written by people on your Blog List.
It sure beats clicking on the links of friends who have taken a break from blogging.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting
back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I
swear, I s...
4 years ago
I love that new Blogger tool and so easy to add...I like easy!
valid points you make Arlen but It will always come down to 'walk a mile...' or 'we can't judge' but it sure leads to good conversations lol I agree with you, I found that Patience is the only way to lose weight. One thing I was not! I've learned ;)
what most gets my goat about that 'artist' incident: FOLK would kill other FOLK rather than harm a CRITTER... am i missing something here?
Kathy: Easy is good.
Lorraine: I enjoy our conversations and am so glad to have you commenting on my blog.
Laughingwolf: Nope, I don't think you're missing anything at all. I think those people took their beliefs to the point of absolute absurdity. I also wonder about their real dedication to animal welfare. I suspect that it's more about them, possibly getting off on violence and threats of violence in the guise of "compassion" (for the mouse.) Such behavior alienates people who might otherwise be sympathetic to the plight of such critters, mouse included. I think that if these people were concerned more about the critters than their own self righteousness and call to violence, they'd be putting their energies to more productive use. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't be outraged by the "artist." Ultimately they may have saved one mouse, while hurting the the cause of animals by the outrageousness of their behavior and their words.
thx arlene, that's my take on it, too
Ah yes patience.. like they say, the weight didn't come on in a year, it won't come off in a short amount of time either.
You should try google reader.. best thing ever to keep up on your blogs! You add them all and then read them all from the one page. Genius.
Laughingwolf: I'm glad you checked back. Rereading my questions, I can see where you might have thought I was in agreement with those folks.
Daniele: I am a techno-incompetent. I subscribed to Google Reader, then got lost. I'll come back to it when I have more time (and patience).
I guess if my country was invaded by surprise I would take up arms to protect my family.
I also don't believe I should interfere in another's life if he or she chooses the wrong path for in the end they will learn their lesson the hard way - something a few words of mine could never do.
For me animals should not be used as food, circuses, clothing, zoos and the many other abuses they are put through. They are a living creature and have the right to as much freedom as I do.
Since it takes a while to put weight on it only makes sense it will take a while to take it off permanently. You are wise in thinking this way.
I use Google Reader because I like a clean looking blog and it is so easy to go to everyone's site on it too.
I do enjoy your writing Arlene!
Really a lot to think about! Sorry I didn't visit sooner, but have been away from my computer. Thank you for continuing to visit me.
good attitude on taking your're right ....what's the rush. I like that :)
Daniele and Janice: Thanks for recommending Google Reading. I managed to figure out how to access and add to it and have put the link on my Personal Toolbar. I'll continue with the links on my blog as well and see which tool I prefer. It's nice to have the choice.
Janice: I'm so glad that you've taken the time to read my blog and comment on it. I'm wildly impressed with your creations. I like your attitude re. the critters. I'm somewhat ambivalent re. zoos, more negative than positive, more interested in the best facilities possible since I don't think humans are ready to give up on zoos. Also, given the habitat loss for so many critters that are on the edge of extinction, zoos and preserves may be the only places they are able to exist (for now). I could go on about this, but won't do so here. I think that animal use in circuses is all about exploitation and much prefer the Cirque du Soleil type of performances. I was a vegetarian for about three years. Even then, I ate eggs and other dairy products. Now, I also eat chicken (preferably free range), turkey, and seafood. This puts my deepest values at odds with my behavior. Putting it so starkly bothers me, but I'm not at the point of changing this right now. I admire you for making choices that are more consistent with your values.
Lisa: I'm glad to have you visit and comment. I also recognize that we all have lives beyond blogging (I hope) and don't have the time to keep up with all of one another's blogs, much less post as much as we might like to.
Annette: Welcome to my blog. I've checked out your blog and have added it to my list.
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