Saturday, May 31, 2008

Week Four - Further Down The Hill

Thursday evening's WW scale showed that I'd gotten rid of 1.8 pounds. This brought my official weight to under the dreaded 200 lb. mark (199.6). The reading on my home scale earlier in the day was 196.

On October 22, 2001, I started a journey that eventually brought me to my goal weight of 127 pounds. I weighed 194.2 pounds on the WW scale at that time. I can reasonably expect to be at or below that weight by July 1, 2008.

As might be expected, I was surprised that Thursday's scale showed such a loss. In contrast to the previous week, last week was one of physical laziness and minor self indulgence with food. I think the number on Thursday's scale largely reflected my previous week's discipline. In any case, I was encouraged and motivated to intensify my efforts. On Friday (yesterday), I went on a 3+ hour hike with my daughter and her boyfriend. This was more exhausting than I'd expected. Today's indolence and carelessness with points is the (not inevitable) result. Tomorrow is the start of the month that will return my weight to or below what it was when I started WW the last time around. I am ready to exercise fiercely and to be in full control of what I eat.

1 comment:

Kim Ayres said...

Congrats on getting below 200 again! It's a great figure to get under :)