Saturday, November 10, 2012

Playing With Pictures

Towards the end of September, Gari and Gari's son, Gabe, and I took a RV trip to Yosemite and the Gold Country.  

Yesterday, as I reviewed the pictures and downloaded the selected ones to Shutterfly in preparation for a photo album, I smiled.


Kathy said...

Beautiful background! You look so happy.

ArleneWKW said...

I am Kathy. I am so blessed to have Gari in my life.

Out of Sight L said...

Oh that is so beautiful, you both outshine the incredible background ain't Love grand. I am so happy for you xx

ok this is my fourth try at guessing the hum..word verification can't you take it offf it's driving me nuts

make that fifth hopefully last

ArleneWKW said...

Word verification drives me crazy too. They seem like IQ tests.

Out of Sight L said...

I'd say more like vision test, I'm blind lol