Saturday, December 4, 2010


I am freer now than I have ever been - or, more likely, I am just now realizing and appreciating that freedom from a different perspective.

My dream the night before last was my first indication. For as long as I can remember, I have had an active and well remembered dream life. My dreams are often inter-connected and evolving; new dreams are frequently impacted by the events in previous dreams. The same themes keep coming up.

In Thursday night's dream, I was once again returning to school. This time, I finally found the totally right program for me, a short program which would enable me to work with animals. On Friday night, I refused a contract to teach for another year. I've been teaching constantly in my dreams - up to 3 or 4 times a week -and it is rarely a pleasant experience.

I don't expect the returning to school dreams nor the unpleasant teaching experience dreams to end. It will be interesting (to me) to observe the new wrinkles in them, but this is not primarily about my dreams. It is about my shift into a new reality.

The truth is that most of the things that I have been telling myself that I HAVE to do are things that I can choose or not choose to do. My choices have consequences, but none impact the quality of my life except to the extent that I've made them "have to's."

I do not really have to:

organize my pictures from China (though I took many excellent ones that are lingering as bytes on my computer)

work with my glass (despite having invested a fortune in glass supplies)

finish a couple of sewing projects (including the compelling one on which I'm currently working)

finish reading Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution (even though it's absolutely fascinating and very well written - and a major intellectual challenge to me)

learn to do various things on my iPhone (though it is the most awesome material object I currently own; I do not own Daisy, my kitty)

learn to even use the GPS that I recently ordered (though not to do so would be a total waste)

make reservations for events I want to attend (There is the option of missing them.)

Organize various papers (that should be organized, but life can go on perfectly fine without this happening)

Donate the rest of Matt's clothes and other items, keeping excellent records of these donations in preparation for taxes (The consequences of not paying taxes make the payment of them not an option for me, but I don't HAVE to donate stuff and take a deduction for doing so).

Replace the very unsteady shelf in the garage that a careless move will destroy causing cans of paint to fall on the floor and possibly open causing an almost catastrophic mess

Roast pumpkin seeds, bake corn bread, make root vegetable soup (though I'll probably do the last of these after I finish this blog)

I don't HAVE to visit the grandson who will most likely be born this week-end, maybe even today. Nor do I HAVE to go to the symphony tomorrow. Nor put butterflies (fake ones) above my bed.

I have been making an agenda of things like those listed above, assigning their completion to a given day then reassigning them to other days because I always imagine myself doing more than I can actually accomplish. I will still probably do this. I have a need for such structure. The difference is one of attitude:

I don't mind doing the things that are "have tos" (in the sense that bill paying is a
"have to" and not really an option). Even with the "have tos," I'm in the very lucky position that I really do have almost complete flexibility about when I'll do what I need to do. Most of the things on my list are NOT "have tos." I haven't been appreciating this. And now I do.

(For any youngun's reading this, the price for this freedom has not been insignificant. At 64+ years old, I've kinda earned it.)


Lorraine said...

You deserve it Arlene you deserve all the "I don't have tOssss" my way is just to see where the energy is...I'm not doing much ;)

Kathy said...

I totally get what you are saying! After 30 years of working and having to do certain things every day, I was very stubborn about people trying to impose "have to" items on me! I didn't answer the phone unless I wanted to because I was tied to pagers and phones all day when I worked. There are things I do now like wash dishes and do laundry that I could stop doing, I suppose...but, like you, not doing them would make my life uncomfortable and I do them to please myself. Also, like you, I do them on my schedule and not someone elses. I knit when I want to, I blog when I want to, and I do chores when I want to! I LOVE being at this stage in my life!

Mick & Cathy said...

"I don't have to" is so much better than "I have to". The latter to me always has a negative effect with my energy levels.

Good for you Arlene, just enjoy life you deserve it.

ArleneWKW said...

Lorraine: Seeing where your energy is sounds like a totally excellent idea. Sometimes though, especially in the morning, I have to push myself or
I'd never get out of bed.

Kathy: it defiantly is a wonderful perk of this stage of life. At some points though, I look at it as weak compensation for the losses. Then I consider how it is for others who have lost mightily and know that I am blessed.

Mick: You are right and positive energy is so much more enpowering.

Timoteo said...

Most everything is a choice...except going to the bathroom!

ArleneWKW said...

Timoteo: I literally LOLed at your comment. I thorough enjoy your sense of humor.

40 Something said...

yeah for freedom