Saturday, December 5, 2009

Conversation With My (Wonderful) Hubby

It is now 1:05 p.m. I had planned to start working on The Cosmos at 10 a.m. I've been at the computer doing necessary stuff for the last couple of hours, but before then I was camped out on the family room couch, also known as "The Trap." Here is the conversation with my hubby as I finally got up to do something productive.

Me: I've just wasted the entire morning.

Matt: No you didn't

Me: I have so much to do and I've been just sitting here doing the crossword puzzle and playing sudoku.

Matt: Did you enjoy yourself?

Me: Yes

Matt: Then you didn't waste your time.

Gotta love love love him!!!


Kathy said...

Yep! Great answer!

ArleneWKW said...

Kathy: :-)

Lorraine said...

Wow he is wise and wonderful, lucky girl! Way to go Matt!

ArleneWKW said...

Lorraine: :-)

Rebecca said...

Way to go Matt! Glad he reminded you that it's good to keep things in perspective like that.