Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friggin Friggin Priorities

I can not believe how long the friggin paperwork that I am doing is taking!!!

I will read the posts of my on-line friends ASAP.

I will do the week+ long of unwashed (but properly rinsed) dishes tomorrow at the latest.

I will do the friggin laundry before we run out of clothes (or buy new ones on-line 'cause I can't go out until I finish the friggin friggin paperwork; I'll use next day delivery.)

I will post eventually.

I will play with my glass before the month is over (hopefully).

I will attend the San Francisco Opera's performance of The Daughter of the Regiment with Juan Diego Florez no matter what unless hell freezes over or my hubby's health demands that I stay home. Here's Why!

I will go thrift store shopping with Linda on Tuesday and to the Sculpture Jam meeting and pot luck on Wednesday as long as the friggin friggin paperwork and the dishes are done.


Kathy said...

I don't know what kind of paperwork you're doing, but I hope it is worthy of all the angst it is causing! Poor thing. If I lived close I'd pick Lorraine up and we'd come over, do the laundry and dishes and then drag you out for a fabulous lunch including at least one alcoholic beverage!!! And then we'd come back and look at all your fabulous glass.

Lorraine said...

Oh Hell sweetie, go to the opera, the rest will fall into place, you must have your priorites x ;) lovely post, lovely

OH and I call the Laundry!!!!!

laughingwolf said...

friggin awesome! ;) lol

Kathy said...

If she wants the laundry then I will do the dishes! But I get to call shotgun on the ride to the restaurant! lol

Lorraine said...

Oh my I'm not use to someone else driving ...but I assure you any cooking involve it's all yours Kathy ..
Hi Arlene!

ArleneWKW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ArleneWKW said...

Kathy and Lorraine: Your comments have me smiling ear to ear. The friggin paperwork is done and the dishes are washed (except for new dirty ones) and will be put away this morning. There is plenty of laundry for all three of us, but let's not waste time with it. Let's rent a limo and go from winery to winery enjoying pair-ups with gourmet foods; the wines will neutralize the calories. Let me know when you are coming so that I can arrange for the limo.

Laughingwolf: You are welcome to join us.

BTW The deleted comment was mine. I wanted to correct a typo. I wish Blogger wouldn't continue the life of such comments with the bold faced "Comment deleted" announcement.

Kathy said...

A limo, wine and gourmet food, and two of the best people in the world! I can hear us now! We'd sound like Paula Deen on speed! lol What a hoot that would be.

Lorraine said...

Oh and I'm taking photos!!! after the wine hihihihihihi

Kathy said...

There's one in every crowd! The one who collects evidence! lol

Mick & Cathy said...

Make a job list of everthing you want to do then tick off as you go.

Well that works for me when things seem to mount up, you can see you are progressing.

And get to the Opera

ArleneWKW said...

Lorraine and Kathy: Some day maybe we can make it happen. Right now though, it's an awfully pleasant image.

Mick: I've got that list; also a calendar indicating what I plan to do and when; but new things keep getting inserted, unexpected things I MUST do. Even so, the list idea is a good one; also the calendar; without these, I'd feel thoroughly overwhelmed.

Don Q. said...

I hate friggin paperwork too. I have a pile of it, but mostly I ignore it.

Lorraine said...

I love paperwork, can I do your paperwork?

ArleneWKW said...

Don Q: I tried ignoring it, but it grew and grew and grew. It bared its teeth and unsheathed its claws and I was terrified that it would eat me alive if I ignored it any longer.

Lorraine: Sure you can do my paperwork, but I'm afraid you'd hate me after two or three hours of it.