The default world is still keeping me pretty busy. Thanks to all of you who keep checking up on me. I hope all my blog buddies are doing well. I really want to see what you've been doing, but once I enter the blogosphere, I can't seem to leave until my neck is stiff and more hours than I have to spare have elapsed. I wish you all well and, as I wrote in my previous post, am glad that the talking and the listening, the wonderful world of sharing ourselves on-line, continues with or without my presence in it. Blessings to all.
it may continue without you, but its much more pleasant with you!
Thanks Graham. I appreciate your comment.
As long as you keep up with your email, I won't nag you about the blog. I promise! I didn't even see your update until today. My blog has been out of date too.
Hi Arlene,
Its good to know you are ok.
To be honest I'm not getting around the blogs as much as I could but its still nice to to see how all my friends are doing occasionally.
hi arlene, nice to see you again
have had my new pup for a week last wednesday, so he keeps me busy ;)
There she is our elusive friend, nice to hear from you x
Thank you Rebecca, Mick, Laughingwolf, and Lorraine for checking out my blog even though I've been so absent from it. It really makes me feel good (and valued) that you are doing that. I will make it a point to see what you've all been up to recently. It may take me a few days, but I'll make it a point to do so. I can't really put in words how much it means to me that you take the time and have the interest to still check out my blog.
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