Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sea Lion Release

I have been writing my next post in my head while washing dishes, showering etc. I just haven't had the energy to actually write it on the computer. Meanwhile, I received this highly cool link from the Marine Mammal Center, an organization to which I've been contributing for many years. I'm sharing it with you.


Nola said...

Thanks for sharing!! Hope you are well :)

My word verification word was "under"....suits, as I am from the land down under!! lol

Lorraine said...

This is one of the best most beautiful video ever, I felt his eagerness,he must have smelled the sea and know he was finally going home...oh bravo ...bravo to these wonderful people and to you m'dear

Kathy said...

Like Lorraine, I just kept imagining how the sea lion must have felt! Thanks for sharing.

Mick & Cathy said...

cute video

ArleneWKW said...

Nola: Word verification can be funny, though sometimes I find it a pain in the butt when it becomes too difficult. I am well but overwhelmed with all the stuff I need to now do because I avoided doing them in the summer. Thanks for your good wishes

Lorraine: Ah you're so sweet. Thanks.

Kathy: It brings to my mind what I thought when Mr. Bat regained his freedom, that freedom is the ability to be whatever it is that one is.

Mick: Thanks. Glad you stopped by.

Anonymous said...

hOW ARE you doing?